Friday, April 4, 2008

Writings on Composition

This is just a place to park ideas for my book on music composition. As I come up with thoughts, I'll add them here to sift through later as I start assembling chapters.

The book will approach music composition in a way that is somewhat personal to me, so will need examples from my works. I intend to convey my work process in hopes to inspire composers to try new ways of thinking about their writing. I don't consider my work to be way out there, critical for future music history, or breaking completely new ground. However, I do think I have an approach that may be a little different.

I expect the approach may be snubbed by some academics, as it can appear at first glance to be anti-theory or anti-study, though this is very far from the truth. My ideal is to simultaneously embrace existing theory, and free myself from its hold on my creative process; to necessarily challenge all conventional wisdom at different times while still allowing my collective knowledge of it to help shape what I am doing.

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